
Innovative Research Leading to Clinical Advances

The expert clinicians at Bancroft NeuroRehab are leaders in the region’s most skilled therapists and neuropsychologists. Their ongoing research leads to advancements in helping each client achieve their goals toward independence. 

Our Contributions

Mind and Body: Impact of an Eight-Week Community Taekwondo Training Program in Individuals with Chronic Acquired Brain Injury
Cognition Over Time in Chronic sTBI with Non-Neurologic Comorbidities in Residential NeuroRehab
Neuropsychology Correlates of Challenging Behavior in Moderate to Severe ABI
Differences in Levels of Perceived Support and Burnout in DSPs who Provide Rehabilitative Care for Children vs. Adults
Association Between Anxiety and Recall Errors on the CLVT-3
The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS) on Burnout in the DSP Population
The Neuropsychological Correlates of Pain in the TBI Population within a Residential Rehabilitation Setting
Practice Effects on Repeat Neuropsychological Assessment in Chronic Severe TBI
2018 and older
Social Comparison, Social Support, and Social Problem Solving among Individuals with Prediabetes
Relationship Between Psychological Adjustment and Utilization of Medical Resources in a Severe Brain Injury Population
Effects of Canine Assisted Therapy On Functional Activity Level in Individuals With ABI/TBI
Financial Entrustment Following a Severe Brain Injury in a Post-Acute Setting
Does Executive Functioning and Attention Predict Social Participation of Individuals with Severe ABI?
Ecological Validity of the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery-Screening Module and Texas Functional Living Scale in a Post-Acute Acquired Brain Injury Population
Executive Functioning Ability, Coping Style, and Stress Effects on Clinical Outcomes in Individuals with Moderate to Severe Brain Injury
Single Word Reading as a Test of Premorbid Functioning in Chronic Severe Acquired Brain Injury
Characteristics of Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury and Nicotine Use
Post Traumatic Growth and Rehabilitation Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury
Social Problem Solving Among Individuals with TBI: Relationships with QOL, Executive Functioning, and Integration
Quality of Life and Depression in Persons with Dysphagia: A Post-Acute Brain Injury Rehabilitation Sample
Social Comparison and Psychosocial Functioning in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study
Social Comparison Processes among Individuals with Severe TBI: A Longitudinal Pilot Study
Do Objective and Subjective Measures of Financial Capacity Measure the Same Construct in People with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?