
Recovery is a Personal Journey

Meaningful employment enriches the lives of people with brain injuries and neurological conditions. The Bancroft NeuroRehab Employment team helps you return to work. Bancroft NeuroRehab offers a full continuum to help people with brain injuries or other neurological conditions master the compensatory strategies needed to secure meaningful employment.



Employment Services

Our aim is to help people with neurological deficits from injury or illness to maximize their functional abilities to become as independent as possible. Our Employment Services model ensures each person is adequately trained and supported toward the goal of transitioning back into the workforce.


With time, attention and refinement of skills, our clients progress to competitive employment with minimal to no support.


With our grant through the Wawa Foundation, we can connect individuals back to the workplace, and to their community through volunteering, and educational group sessions with peers. 


Patient Journey: Getting Back to Work

Jenn suffered a traumatic brain injury after a devastating car accident – four years later, with her family’s help and Bancroft NeuroRehab, Jenn is walking, talking, and getting back to work. 

Focus on Maximizing
Functional Abilities

  1. Pre-Vocational Cognitive Evaluations (PVE) identify physical, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and vocation assets or barriers to employment.
  2. Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy helps clients develop the skills and compensatory strategies needed to return to work.
  3. Pre-Placement Coaching helps clients match their skills to a job in the community and prepare for re-entering the workforce.
  4.  Job Coaching ensures success on the job by helping clients learn tasks specific to their new job, orient them to the work environment, and develop compensatory strategies or accommodations.
  5. Long-Term Follow Along (LTFA) provides regular “check-ins” to ensure that the client continues to enjoy success: Restabilization helps clients adapt to changes in job tasks or management and provide additional support. Replacement helps clients identify and secure a new job, if necessary.


Eligibility for funding for Employment Services is determined by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS).


Once eligibility has been determined, you or the individual seeking service may choose Bancroft NeuroRehab as the program of choice. While most of those enrolled in Bancroft NeuroRehab programs receive state funding for all or some of the services provided, others augment services by paying for them directly.

Contact Us

To make a referral or schedule an appointment, call 844-234-8387