Residential Rehabilitation

Encouraging independence in a supported living environment.

Bancroft NeuroRehab provides a wide array of residential rehabilitation options to meet the needs of adults with acquired brain injuries and neurological conditions.

Residents benefit from the continuity of therapy at Bancroft NeuroRehab centers to applying newly acquired skills at home and in the community. As needs and abilities change over time, so, too, should the level of support provided. Clients seamlessly transition through our residential options and levels of support as their needs and abilities change over time.

Residential options include contemporary and accessible group homes and apartments in attractive communities in central and southern New Jersey.

For many residents, Bancroft is the answer.

Why seek our residential rehabilitation programs?

Residents benefit from the continuity of therapy at Bancroft NeuroRehab centers to applying newly acquired skills at home and in the community. Our residential rehabilitation programs offer:

  • Full range of day treatment services, including related therapies and volunteer and vocational opportunities
  • Individualized rehabilitation in personal care, household management, health and medical care, grocery shopping, money management and budgeting
  • Customized supervision from intensive to intermittent support
  • Social, recreational and spiritual activities
  • Behavioral programming
  • Accessibility for individuals with limited mobility
  • 24-hour staff support for assistance with safety, mobility and transfers, as needed
  • Transportation from group home to day treatment programs, therapies, medical appointments and community outings
  • Emergency on-call coverage by supervisory staff
3 men seated at a dining room table playing uno and laughing together

A glimpse into the everyday life of the residents at Bancroft neurorehab.

We have been very fortunate to have found a second home for our son. The staff that works with him seems caring and compassionate.

Michelle W.

My family member feels very safe and secure at Bancroft knowing that she will be able to live there as long as she can. I am very grateful for Bancroft and their staff!

Claudia B.

For over 20 years my daughter has been a miracle thanks to the entire team at Bancroft. So very blessed!

Lorraine R.

I believe Bancroft is tops in delivering healthcare. I find the group home environment to be top-notch accommodations, and the group home team of employees excellent in providing patient care.

Maryellen V.

Residential Program Family Satisfaction Survey Results

  • 92% felt “very satisfied” with the support they received from staff for their loved one.
  • 90% felt “very satisfied” that they were treated with respect and courtesy by all staff members.
  • 90% felt their input was considered in developing treatment goals for their loved one.
  • 92% felt their group home residence for their loved ones was clean, comfortable and accessible.
  • 80% would “highly recommend” Bancroft NeuroRehab residential services.

Admissions Criteria

  • Have an acquired or traumatic brain injury, and require ongoing supervision/care in a rehabilitation setting and treatment from an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team.
  • Be able to demonstrate a potential for progression and/or maintenance of skills within the structure of a rehabilitation program.  
  • Must be at least 18 years or older.  
  • Must be psychiatrically and medically stable.
  • Not actively engaging in substance abuse of any kind.
4 individuals seated in a bedroom, smiling at the camera.

Contact Us

To make a referral or to schedule an appointment, call 844-234-8387.