Jamie Young, PT, DPT, Board Certified in Neurologic Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Supervisor
Dr. Jamie Young, PT, DPT is a board-certified physical therapist in neurologic physical therapy, receiving certification in March 2019. She graduated from the University of Montana’s School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science in May of 2015 with her doctorate degree. Dr. Young began her career with the neurologic population in the inpatient rehabilitation setting at Benefis Health System in Great Falls, Montana. In 2017-2018 she completed the MossRehab Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania where she received advanced training for physical therapy for individuals with neurologic diagnosis. She began working at Bancroft NeuroRehab in 2018. Dr. Young has a strong interest in evidence based practice and translating knowledge from recent evidence into clinical practice on a broad scale.
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