Cerise Karmondy Sapp, M.A. CCC-SLP, CBIS
Speech-Language Pathologist
Cerise Karmondy Sapp, M.A. CCC-SLP, CBIS is a speech-language pathologist, joining Bancroft NeuroRehab in 2017. She is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association and is certified as a brain injury specialist by the Brain Injury Association of America. At Bancroft NeuroRehab in Toms River, she provides clinical services to patients who have sustained brain injuries or have other neurological conditions in both day and outpatient programs. As a graduate of Montclair State University, she received both her Bachelor’s degree in linguistics and Master’s degree in communication sciences and disorders. It was while she was a student clinician that she discovered her passion for working with adults recovering from acquired brain injuries. Following her graduate studies she worked in the in-patient rehabilitation and skilled nursing setting.
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