From immobile to invincible: Drew’s Bancroft NeuroRehab Story

One family’s triumphant journey to recovery after stroke

In 2012, Drew Herrington was a 32-year-old Project Manager for booming national homebuilder Ryan Homes, dating his coworker, Katie. He was working long hours, but otherwise, Drew was the picture of health, enjoying his blossoming career and relationship. Then, he had a debilitating stroke caused by a blood clot that took his mobility and nearly all of his speech. Drew was treated at a Philadelphia hospital and then an acute rehab center, Magee Rehabilitation, before being released home in a power wheelchair. He was alive, but not living. He was not walking and could barely speak. And at age 32, he had a lot to lose – an exciting and prosperous life awaiting him. Soon, he was referred to Bancroft NeuroRehab in Cherry Hill, where clinicians specialize in acute, intensive outpatient rehabilitation and workforce reentry. Staff frequently sees younger patients who experience stroke, trauma or other neurological challenges more commonly experienced by an older population.

Drew in Physical Therapy at Bancroft NeuroRehab

Drew received intense Physical, Occupational, Speech and Cognitive Therapy, part of his acute medical day program, for an entire year. He never once gave up. And while Drew had access to best-in-class therapies and services, his extraordinary determination and drive helped lead him to success. The Bancroft NeuroRehab clinical team knew he had the willpower and strength to resume his favorite activities, and they individualized his treatment to put him on a path back to work. Fast forward to today, and Drew is now married to his then-girlfriend, Katie, living independently in the Voorhees home they custom-built together. Not only that, Drew is able to walk, drive again, and has returned to the independence he longed for during his recovery. When Drew is not at therapy, he collaborates on local real estate opportunities and works with subcontractors to rehab and flip homes – his passion and livelihood. While Drew has made an unprecedented physical and cognitive recovery from his stroke, he continues to receive Speech Therapy at Bancroft NeuroRehab as well as attend a weekly Speech Language Group session at the Cherry Hill, N.J. location.

Drew in Speech Therapy Group at Bancroft NeuroRehab
  Drew has aphasia –a condition that limits his ability to express speech – as a result of his stroke, but has learned to overcome obstacles by communicating in other ways, such as writing and text messaging, at times when he can’t find the right word. These days, Drew aims to inspire others who may be on a similar journey and spread awareness of aphasia. Together with friend and Physical Therapist Scott Shelley, owner of Elite Health & Fitness Training, he frequently publishes videos online to raise awareness. Now 37, Drew credits his triumphant success to the support of his family and friends, as well as his dedicated clinical team, who have become so much more than medical support over the years. They, too, have become like family. At Bancroft NeuroRehab, an interdisciplinary team of experts assesses and treats each patient’s unique needs. From mild concussions and memory impairments to traumatic brain injuries, dedicated, compassionate clinicians aim to help individuals rebound, recover and reconnect after illness or injury.

If you or someone you know has questions about neurological health or reentering the workforce and community after a brain injury, Bancroft NeuroRehab can help.
Call 844.234.8387  to connect with a Care specialist today.

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